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Luke Fernandez

Luke Fernandez

Western Australia, Australia

Luke Fernandez is a sustainability management consultant and studied physics (science) in his first year of university. His passions lie in quantum physics, meditation, art and philosophy.

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About the author

My name is Luke Ashley Fernandez. I was born in Bangalore, India, from Anglo-Indian heritage. I grew up, was educated and now reside in Perth, Western Australia.

In my early years, I studied of physics and philosophy as an undergrad, where I was introduced to quantum mechanics and the traditions of Eastern and Western philosophy. Life takes its course and I ended up graduating from law school to practice law, but never lost my passion for physics and philosophy, which frame the reality in which we live. I am currently a management consultant, an educator (teaching leadership, management and sustainability), an entrepreneur and now, an author.

We live in the grandest age of information known to man, where startling revelations about ourselves and the world around us, are being made on a daily basis. But equally, we are losing great knowledge of the ages, ancient wisdom that is being forgotten amid the pace of modern society.

My first novel, The Separation of Being is a search for meaning in this brave new world, a labour of love unifying my passions in quantum physics and Eastern religion, in a philosophical discussion on consciousness.
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1 Copy of the autographed limited edition of the book "The Separation of Being" + digital copy + Audio book. You ALSO get exclusive access to Facebook Group, Quantum Being a closed community where individuals can share their journey of personal growth in transcending the ego.

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2 Copies (One for you and one for a friend) of the autographed limited edition of the book "The Separation of Being" + 2 digital copies + 2 Audio books. You and your friend ALSO get exclusive access to Facebook Group, Quantum Being a closed community where individuals can share their journey of personal growth in transcending the ego.

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$197 Attend the Launch

10 Copies (One for you and one for 9 friends) of the autographed limited edition of the book "The Separation of Being" + 10 digital copies + 10 Audio books + Free invitation to the book launch (virtual or physical presence). You and 9 friends ALSO get exclusive access to Facebook Group, Quantum Being a closed community where individuals can share their journey of personal growth in transcending the ego.

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$817 Launch and Author Workshop

20 Copies (One for you plus 19) of the autographed limited edition of the book "The Separation of Being" + 20 Audio books + Free invitation to the book launch (virtual or physical presence). You and 39 others ALSO get exclusive access to Facebook Group, Quantum Being a closed community where individuals can share their journey of personal growth in transcending the ego.

Two hour online workshop on quantum consciousness with the author for group of 20.

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The Separation Of Being

Amrit, a savant, and theoretical physicist is a young man on the run from forces that seek his ruin. Having nowhere else to run, he and his girlfriend Thea, seek refuge in a Buddhist monastery. In the throes of the deepest of meditative experiences that enlivens his mind and captivates his senses, he finds what his heart seeks most, truth.

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Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense
61,000 words
100% complete
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In the novel, The Separation of Being, Amrit, a savant, is a young man on the run from forces that seek his ruin. He has lived a life burnishing his intellect as a scientist and a theoretical physicist. He had worked tirelessly for the regime, for ‘the cause’ and should have been lionised for his success, for his ground-breaking discovery, but instead finds himself set upon by the dogs of war, grey men in grey suits. It seems someone in power wants him out of the way. He cannot understand this bizarre twist of fate, and the regime’s many tentacles have now tracked him to the last place on Earth he thought they would find him, in the most remote capital city in the world.
Having nowhere else to run, he seeks out Thea, his only friend and she reluctantly agrees to take him to a meditation retreat she happens to be attending later that day. He finds himself seeking refuge in a Buddhist monastery and in the throes of the deepest of meditative experiences that enlivens his mind and captivates his senses, and immersed in his feelings for Thea that only intensify during his ordeal, he finds what his heart seeks, truth.
The novel, described as a philosophical discussion on the mind as we have not seen since Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, discusses the world of quantum consciousness and its nexus with Buddhist philosophy. The Separation of Being is a quest for meaning and for anyone seeking answers to the biggest of life’s questions in a hard-science based suspension of disbelief. It is a contribution to our body of knowledge on consciousness and an enlightening tale of the human condition.

Sales arguments

  • The idea with this campaign is to create an audio book - targeted at a New Adult audience.
  • Audiobooks are of the fastest growing formats, with a massive 28.8% growth from 2016 to 2017.
  • Younger people seem to be driving this market. 48% of listeners are under the age of 35 and 29% of listeners are using their smartphone to play the books.
  • The book is a quest for meaning - embodying the eternal longing of its target audience.
  • The book throws in a metaphysical resolution of the double slit experiment - it has been claimed that, 'if anyone could explain the double slit experiment there's a Nobel Prize for you.' ~ Professor Jim Al-Khalili

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New Adult - readers between the ages of 18 and 30, or students of meaning in life.

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