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Kaitlyn Franzen

Kaitlyn Franzen

Illinois, United States

A College student and a Self-Published Poet and short story writer

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About the author

Kaitlyn is a High School graduate from Waubonsie Valley High School. She has published three books so far. My Poetry Through the Years, My Collection of Short Stories and My Poetry Through the Years: Book 2. She gets her inspiration from school and classes. Most of the poems and short stories are from assignments that she got from her teachers. Kaitlyn plans to continue writing and become a best-selling writer.

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The Adventure of Cubbie Bear: Going Home

A lonely Teddy Bear sits in a shop at Wrigley Field waiting for his forever home. Join Cubbie Bear as he journeys far and wide to find his forever family.

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Children Fiction adventure
1,000 words
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The Adventure of Cubbie Bear: Going Home is base off of a true story on how I got my teddy bear.  I was only eight months old at the time when my parents took me to my first Cubs game. Children under the age of 13 were given Beanie Baby’s as they walked in. My Dad wanted the Beanie so he decided that he would buy me a stuffed animal. That is when I pointed out Cubbie Bear in the shop. Since that day almost twenty years ago. I still have Cubbie Bear now not as new but, very loved. I wanted to share my stories about my favorite stuff animal because I know most children have a favorite stuffed animal that they take everywhere. I wanted to share the adventures I had with my teddy bear and just share the unique bond we have.


My audience is parents of young children between 2-8 years of age. 


I will promote on my personal blog, Facebook pages, twitter, YouTube,  etc. But, would like some help building a more engaged fan base. Where the Publisher will also promote on social media and to newspapers, radio stations, and books store to help increase the visibility of the book.

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It was a sunny September morning as the sun came up the light illuminate the store. You see I live in a store inside a baseball field. The Home of the Chicago Cubs, Wrigley Field. I have been waiting for my forever family to take me home since April. All my other friends have found their forever home but, no one has place an eye on me. Until today, a young man walked into the store holding a young girl. The young man walked around the store carrying the child. That is when she laid her eyes on me. She even cracked a smile. I had a good feeling about her. “A” she said pointing right at me. The man turned around and spotted me on the shelf. He smiled and grabbed me off the shelf. Was I finally going home with my forever family?  My lucky had finally turned around because the next thing I know I was being carried to the cashier and the young girl would not stop squeezing me. The man payed the cashier and the young girl held me until we got to the stadium seats where a young woman was waiting. This must be the girl’s mother I thought and the man must be her Father. “Did Daddy buy you a new friend? The mother asked the young girl as she reached out for her. The girl than let mom take me and pretended I kissed her. “Is this your Cubbie Bear?” she asked the girl just reached out to me and hugged me so hard I almost could not breath. I know now that is girl and her parents would be my forever family. With many fun adventures to come. Until the next adventure!

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