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Atara Malach

Atara Malach

VIP Personal/Business Coaching for Working Parents and Professionals: Career/Parenting Success, Keynote Speaker

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About the author

Atara Malach is a highly respected psychotherapist, widely known life coach and in-demand public speaker who specializes in empowering women to achieve professional success while maximizing the joy in their personal lives. With more than 30 years’ experience in private practice, Atara is the Founding Director of the Parenting University and the Advisory Center for Adolescents. She is a dynamic and inspiring keynote speaker who has delivered thousands of lectures and workshops around the world.
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Working Mothers GPS

A Guide to Parenting Success for the Modern Working Mom

Atara Malach’s latest book is the roadmap you’ve been looking for to guide you on your parenting journey.

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Personal Growth & Self-Improvement Parenting
55,000 words
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Women around the globe often struggle to maintain a work/life balance that doesn’t make them feel guilty for spending time away from their families or inadequate for not working harder at their jobs. Atara Malach’s new book is a roadmap to guide women in their parenting and career journeys.

Based on Atara’s proven program for parenting with authority, trust and love, readers will learn practical techniques for regaining the proper balance within their families and their careers. These tried-and-true principles will help women build healthy parent/child relationships while minimizing those nagging feelings of frustration and resentment that come with being a modern working mother.

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